Hi! i like the art and the music, also the Videogames. A very important point when i play a videogames is his history.
The Videogames have steelbooks or art work, and i really love it. When i start to play a game, i search a lot of pictures and sketches.
My favorite art work is in THE WITCHER 3.
The Witcher 3, is art, a perfect videogame. Have much special characters, like gerald, ciri, triss, yennefer, etc.
When i was a child, the graphics in the videogames were so low but i had a lot of magazines CLUB NINTENDO. Here the illustrations and artworks are so amazing! i Love the illustrations of the videogames simce i was 5 or 6 years.
Today, i show this pictures because the witcher 3 is the last videogame that i played. This art is awesome, how a artist can draw a history in a simple paper! the colors and the composition are so beautiful, the black colors, the shadows and a lot of details.
The industry of the videogames is so BIG! each game have a lot of fans, years and hours playing the same SAGA. The artworks are just other products of the companies, but i simple love it <3
I am a fan of pokemon, i`ve been playing pokemon simce the GAMEBOY COLOR and still love the illustrations and the news games.
to finish, this are illustrations that i love.
Woow, the illustrations are very cool