Go Go!

Hi! today i will write about the best TV Show ever... Power Rangers!

I believe that everyone know Power Rangers. When i was a child i loved the Power Rangers.
They were the entertainment of a lot of children, my favorite ranger was ever "The Green Ranger"<3

When i was in the kindergarten, i played with my friends to be a power ranger xD (and also in the school). When i arrive to my house (approximately 13:00 hrs.) start the Power Rangers in the TV.

A power rangers is a hero, with the technology they change his appearance and have a costume very cool! They must to save the world of the villains (this is his mission).
The Power Rangers have big robots! Called ZORDS, also have weapons and armors. When all zords combine, make a gigantic robot :D

Generally, the Power Rangers team are of  5 or 6 members. The Red Rangers generally is the leader of the group. Sometimes, the Rangers have a mentor.

The Power Rangers start in 1993 and continues until the present day :)

Power Rangers are very very popular. The TV show have a lot of seasons, movies, games, comics, songs, action figures, etc. Recently released a new story in a movie.

When i was a child, i loved the specials effects and now are so funny! And fakes xD
To me, the Power Rangers are my childhood :) i have good memories with they.


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